Best Sorority: Kappa Kappa Gamma

By Francesca Cumello

The Epsilon Kappa chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma — a group of driven, philanthropic, kind-hearted women — has won Best of Carolina 2024’s Best Sorority. Founded in 1870 in Monmouth, IL and brought to the University of South Carolina in February of 1967, KKG has an outstanding presence on campus.

As are all Greek organizations at USC, Kappa Kappa Gamma is a charitable organization in addition to social. They are involved with two philanthropic initiatives: the JED Foundation and the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation.

The Jed Foundation is a nonprofit that supports and cares for teens and young adults who struggle with emotional and mental health, with the ultimate goal of preventing suicide. The Kappa Foundation uplifts its members, providing resources and support to preserve its values and further educational and leadership development.

Kappa Kappa Gamma has an active presence on campus, hosting popular activities such as Neon Nights, formerly known as Kappa Disko. In the last year, KKG raised $44,301 toward the JED foundation.

Current President Alexa Gyllensvaan believes in the true value of the Kappa community, for its members “strive to follow their own incredible dreams” and “stand for creating meaningful connections with others.”

Gyllensvaan cites her sisters as “always seeking new challenges to grow and learn together to continue inspiring positive change wherever we go,” clearly demonstrating the uplifting spirit of sisterhood within Kappa Kappa Gamma.