Garnet Media Creative Services

Creative Services is the in-house design team for Garnet Media Group. Our award-winning team of student designers produces creative content and advertisements for businesses and organizations both on campus and off. Print or digital advertisements purchased with any Garnet Media Group outlet will be designed by this team at no additional charge. Design work for campaigns and promotional items not tied to an advertisement are charged by the hour.
Design services we offer:
- Logo design or re-design
- Flyers, banners, posters, etc.
- Promotional materials (t-shirts, cups, pop-sockets, etc.)
- Print publications
- Multimedia campaigns
- Snapchat filters
- Social media promotional graphics
- Marketing Photography
- And much more!
Pricing: Design work and photography is charged $20/hr. Anticipating several projects for our team? Bulk hours may be purchased about the beginning of the semester or fiscal year for a discount. Jobs requested with deadlines within the 72-hour minimum notice period will be charged at time-and-a-half, $30/hour.

Requesting to work with our team: Design work has a 3-5 business day turnaround time and photography has a week turnaround time. After filling out the form below, our Art Director, Krista Larson, will reach out for any additional information or to schedule a design consultation as necessary. Any questions can be directed to Krista at